China has long served as a source for discount auto parts Cheap Clint Boling Jersey , and the country offers everything from replica wheels to body kits at prices that undercut the costs of major car part manufacturers by huge a percentage. Chinese auto parts are mainly popular for their low prices, but the country has produced several innovations that have made their way into the lines of American manufacturers, even in the aforementioned replica wheels.
However, it’s not all good news. Some drivers and car companies have voiced concern that Chinese auto parts could be less safe than parts made in the United States, South Korea Cheap Kevin Huber Jersey , and in other markets where safety controls are much more stringent. There are questions as to the materials used by Chinese manufacturers and how they affect the overall handling of a vehicle.
There have been recalls on a number of Chinese auto parts, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, so it’s important to check into recalls before ordering new parts, particularly if those parts could affect the safety of your vehicle.
Replica wheels are a good example. Replica wheels are often designed to be exact duplicates, more or less Cheap Michael Johnson Jersey , of factory wheels that come standard on a variety of vehicles, especially luxury vehicles. Because the replica wheels use the same technology and design as their factory counterparts, they’re normally very safe. However, when replica wheels don’t use the same types of materials, they can be potentially dangerous.
That’s not to say that replica wheels are necessarily dangerous just because of their country of origin Cheap Shawn Williams Jersey , however. Chinese replica wheels (or other aftermarket auto parts) can be just as safe as American-made wheels, especially considering that many factory auto parts come from China. The most important thing to keep in mind is that reputable providers are the best source of replica wheels and other parts, and that it’s always best to buy from American-based sources, which have strong incentives to abide by consumer safety laws that have been passed to protect motorists in the United States and in other Western countries.
Chinese auto parts can certainly be a great value, particularly when they use high-quality materials and when their manufacturers follow the strict quality controls set up by U.S. consumer groups. Drivers should be careful when ordering any parts for their cars Cheap C.J. Uzomah Jersey , whether they’re buying factory parts, replica wheels, or other aftermarket products, but the best course of action is to look into online consumer reviews and safety recall information and not necessarily to concentrate on the country of origin of a particular part. Chinese auto parts can be safe, but a little research goes a long way toward ensuring safety.
I work with people who have left the corporate world and have established or want to establish themselves as Independent Business Consultants (IBC) in their area of expertise Cheap Andrew Billings Jersey , whether that be HR, Marketing, IT or sales.
One of the most common assumptions many of them make is that they don't need any help and they become a 'lone ranger?. This is often based on a set of beliefs such as
* ?I can do everything myself?
* ?I can't trust anyone else to help me in my business?
* ?I can't afford to pay anyone to help me?
* ?I'll get someone when I'm more established.
However, leading and managing a successful consultancy is about more than just delivering the consultancy services. A consultancy business is an entity made up of systems, processes and infrastructure as well as what you actually deliver ? your products and services. As the delivery person of your services you may be 100% capable. However Cheap Clayton Fejedelem Jersey , that is not all that's involved in running your consultancy and making it an ongoing success.
There are many other functions and roles that have to be fulfilled in order for your consultancy to be successful. Functions such as finance, sales, marketing operations and administration to name a few; Roles such as bookkeeper, invoice writer, PR person Cheap Randy Bullock Jersey , researcher, sales person and client manager etc. All of these important roles and functions need to be performed whether you are a global corporation or a 1 person consultancy. None of these functions can be ignored and you may not have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform each of the roles to a good enough standard. Equally if one of the main reasons you established your own business in the first place was to DO what you love doing, then in reality do you really want to be doing all the other 'stuff? as well?
Some people just get busy doing a bit of sales a bit of marketing and a bit of admin, which usually just means answering emails. And for a short time that may work.
However, over time you forget who you've sent which invoices to or if you've even sent them at all; your VAT and tax affairs get dumped in a shoebox 'to be sorted out when I'm less busy? and you stop going to new events and arranging meetings because you are ?busy? delivering for your biggest (read only) client. Very soon though that client project is complete Cheap Cordy Glenn Jersey , the pipeline of new prospects is empty and the taxman has knocked at your door.
If only you had got some help!
In establishing your consultancy you need to decide at the blueprint stage what you want to do and are skilled enough to do and what you're not. Then you need to decide what support you can get, from whom and to help you with what. Yes it may cost you but what will it cost you to not get help?
The issue of cost is often the reason (excuse!) for not hiring someone to help with those functions or tasks that you are good at or do not want to do.